When I first started this book, Angel told me that I would like it. And you know her, she knows what I like. I'm very fond of Dystopia books. The story line was good. The atmosphere is amazing. But, of course, there are the characters.
Don't get me wrong, these characters are not half as bad as other characters (-cough, cough- Daniel and Luce). But of course they have their flaws. Juliette is fun to watch as she freaks out repeatedly. Her being frozen in place is mentioned more times then the name Daniel is mentioned in the Fallen series. But I do like her consistency with numbers. And the way she thinks things she doesn't want to think, so she crosses them out. But, again, she basically swoons over every guy she sees.
Adam though. Adam. Perfect Adam. Almost, too perfect Adam. Yes, I said it, he is too perfect. To good to be true. And what is even more frustrating is I can't figure out what is wrong with him. Why is he so perfect? Even is dystopia's, you don't start loving someone when you first see them. And Juliette can touch Adam. Why? WHY? I have a theory. The theory is, they are related somehow. But, I'll let you know how that works out when the rest of the series come out.
I would recommend this book, only if you like reading about perfect boys, and the imperfect girls they fall in love with.
peace love happiness
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